Social Media 'Influencers'


Do not call yourself an 'influencer' with your paid brand adverts that includes zero awareness or accountability.

You are just a salesman using your followers like a pyramid scheme.

"Most Influencers are not content creators. They don't bring any value to the table. Creating cringe videos and advocating for cheap cosmetics, betting apps doesn't make the world a better place.

They are not a celebrity. It is just that there are crores of jobless people in the country, with cheap internet."

You don't get to complain about trolls or backlashes, after you have already sold your personal life on social media for money and attention. It's part of the deal you signed up for.

If you truly want to make a difference, use your platform for something meaningful. Advocate for real issues, create content that inspires and educates, and be authentic. It's time to stop chasing quick bucks and start thinking about the long-term impact of your influence. Respect your audience, because they deserve better.

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